Biden's Statement on Wisconsin Christian School Shooting Contains Two Major Problems

Without question, the most tragic aspect of any school shooting is the heartbreaking loss of innocent lives and the profound grief that follows.
Countless lives, "God’s most precious creations," have been cut short far too soon because of the ongoing epidemic of school shootings in America.
That reality should be beyond debate.
But what’s the second most appalling aspect of these tragedies?
It’s the inevitable wave of political grandstanding that follows, intruding upon a time when Americans are trying to process their grief. Such behavior is nothing short of “abhorrent, disgusting, and politically disingenuous.”
And speaking of things that are abhorrent, disgusting, and politically disingenuous, let’s talk about what President Joe Biden did following Monday’s devastating shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin.
That’s right—Biden couldn’t resist politicizing the tragic event, which claimed the lives of two individuals (a teacher and a teenage student). It seems Democrats simply cannot help themselves.
Shortly after the shooting, Biden issued a statement through official White House channels.
As expected, the statement was riddled with logical errors and empty rhetoric—hallmarks of a president better known for gaffes than meaningful policies.
“Today, families in Madison, Wisconsin, are grieving the loss of those who were killed and wounded at Abundant Life Christian School. It’s shocking and unconscionable,” Biden began.
Had he stopped there, the statement might have been acceptable. But, predictably, Biden shifted gears, using the tragedy as a springboard for his agenda, calling for more government control.
“We need Congress to act. Now,” he declared.
He continued with emotional appeals: “From Newtown to Uvalde, Parkland to Madison, to so many other shootings that don’t receive attention — it is unacceptable that we are unable to protect our children from this scourge of gun violence. We cannot continue to accept it as normal.
“Every child deserves to feel safe in their classroom. Students across our country should be learning how to read and write — not having to learn how to duck and cover.”
Biden then praised his administration: “My administration has taken aggressive action to combat the gun violence epidemic. We passed the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years. I have taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any other President in history, and I created the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
“But more is needed. Congress must pass commonsense gun safety laws: Universal background checks.
“A national red flag law. A ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
He concluded with, “We can never accept senseless violence that traumatizes children, their families, and tears entire communities apart.”
But can we really “never accept” such violence, Mr. President? Unless, of course, it involves your own son, “Big Guy.”
There are two glaring issues with Biden’s remarks, and the first one is a simple matter of intellectual honesty.
We’re really supposed to take Biden’s hand-wringing seriously when he just wiped federal gun charges (among other things) out by pardoning his son, Hunter?
What a joke! It’s the intellectual equivalent of Adolf Hitler trying to shame people for anti-Semitism.
Legal scholar Jonathan Turley called the whole thing “incongruous” while blasting Biden:
President Biden’s call for greater background checks and enforcement was a bit incongruous after he pardoned his own son on gun charges. Moreover, the Wisconsin case only highlighted why these demands for gun control would not have impacted that case.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) December 17, 2024
As for the second fatal flaw of this whole premise, let’s grant that Biden’s not a flaming hypocrite and liar after pardoning his son. Heck, let’s grant that Biden has actually been an exceptional president, with inflation at an all-time low and the economy booming.
(High fantasy, I know.)
Even if Biden were the greatest president in American history, it doesn’t change the fact that this statement completely ignores a harsh reality about the Wisconsin shooting: All the gun regulation laws in the world likely wouldn’t have stopped it.
The shooter was a radicalized minor, so she couldn’t procure a firearm legally, anyhow. Laws hamstringing law-abiding gun owners would only have affected the law-abiding gun owners.
More so, Biden’s pro-programmed talking points make no sense. “A ban on assault weapons” (a dumb term given that all weapons are built to “assault”) literally would’ve had no impact on the tragic incident given that the shooter allegedly used a handgun to commit the atrocities.
Biden’s rhetoric is fear-mongering and an attack on the Second Amendment, full tilt.
January 20, 2025, literally cannot come soon enough.
Get Joe and his hypocritical lies out of there.