Donald Trump Gets Massive Gift Before His Debate Against Biden - You Need to See This!

Donald Trump Gets Massive Gift Before His Debate Against Biden - You Need to See This!

Former President Donald Trump is poised to have an edge over President Joe Biden in the first presidential debate on Thursday.

A recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College shows that if the 2024 election were held today, 48 percent of Americans would choose Trump, while 42 percent would vote for Biden. The poll surveyed 1,226 registered voters, with 10 percent indicating they “don’t know” or “refused” to vote.

Leading up to the November election, preliminary polling suggests a tight race between the two candidates. Trump has shown stronger performance in key swing states like Georgia and Pennsylvania, which favored Biden in 2020. Conversely, Biden maintains significant support among young voters, who have been crucial in recent Democratic victories.

Research from FiveThirtyEight, a highly regarded polling site, indicates widespread opposition to a second term for either candidate. The New York Times/Siena College poll found that nearly 60% of respondents view Biden as “somewhat unfavorable” or “very unfavorable,” while about 52% feel the same about Trump.

Despite facing criticism within their parties, Trump retains solid backing from Republican voters. Following his recent conviction on 34 felony counts of business document manipulation, 68 percent of respondents said it would not influence their vote.

Biden’s polling numbers have been unfavorable recently. Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, noted, “Voters who think the cost of living is rising support Trump over Biden, 56% to 32%.” He added, “Income perception aligns with candidate preference, with those feeling their income is far below average favoring Trump 50% to 32% and those feeling it’s far above average favoring Biden 55% to 29%.”

According to Emerson College, Trump leads with 46% of the vote compared to Biden’s 43%. This represents a two-point drop for Biden since Emerson’s earlier poll this month, while Trump’s support remains steady at 46%.

Emerson’s analysis also explored voter preferences based on work hours. For those working the hardest, Trump has a significant lead. Non-workers are split nearly evenly, with 45% supporting Trump and 44% Biden. Those working 30 hours or less tend to favor Biden (52% to 37%), while the 30-40 hour group is divided (45% Biden, 43% Trump). Trump’s support grows among those working 40-60 hours, peaking at 80% for those working over 60 hours, compared to 7% for Biden.

Additional findings from the Emerson poll include:

  • On a ballot test including independent candidates, 44% support Trump, 40% Biden, 8% Robert Kennedy Jr., and 1% Cornel West; 8% are undecided.
  • Kennedy Jr. has the support of 13% of independent voters, 12% of voters under 30, and 9% of Black voters.
  • In a hypothetical ballot test for the 2024 U.S. congressional elections, a generic congressional Democrat and Republican are tied at 45%, while 11% are undecided.
  • Among undecided voters in the presidential election, 31% support the Democratic congressional candidate, and 19% the Republican; 50% are undecided in the generic congressional election.
  • The economy is the top issue for 36% of voters, followed by immigration at 21%, threats to democracy at 10%, healthcare at 9%, abortion access at 7%, and crime at 6%.
  • Compared with American families in general, 44% of voters think their family income is average, while 38% think it is below average, and 18% think their family income is above average.

A majority (56%) of voters are uncertain if they are receiving accurate information about the conflict in Israel and Gaza, while 25% believe they are, and 19% think they are not. Kimball observed, “Perceptions of receiving accurate war information show a significant split. Biden leads among those who think they are getting accurate information (53% to 36%), while Trump leads among skeptics (53% to 38%). Those unsure are divided, with 44% leaning toward Trump and 42% toward Biden.”

Biden’s campaign faces significant challenges as they gear up for the election against Trump. The coalition that helped Biden defeat Trump in 2020 seems to be weakening, including support among Black voters. The Washington Examiner reported that 30 percent of Black men in seven swing states plan to vote for Trump, a significant increase from the 12 percent who supported him in 2020.

Although Biden is expected to win the Black vote with 57 percent support, this is a notable decrease from 2020 and could jeopardize his re-election chances. The same poll indicates that 42% of Black women are still uncertain or persuadable. In 2020, 6% of Black women voted for Trump, a number that has now risen to 11%.

Adrianne Shropshire, head of the Democratic super PAC BlackPAC, commented on the situation, stating, “In this particular election, the persuasion isn’t just to vote or not to vote. The persuasion is actually to get people to come to Biden and away from third parties and away from Trump.”

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