The Claws Are Out: Jill Biden Goes Public with Her Feelings About Nancy Pelosi

You know that oft-repeated allegation that the Democratic party is full of phony baloney yes-men who will tell voters whatever they want to hear?
Yeah, this latest revelation from outgoing first lady Jill Biden isn’t going to help that reputation.
Speaking in an “exit interview” with The Washington Post, Biden was her usual overly saccharine self while discussing a wide range of topics from her husband’s disastrous presidency (though, surprisingly, she doesn’t seem to think it was), as well as what lies ahead for her, Joe, and her crime-immunized son.
But underneath the usual Democrat drivel was yet another glimpse behind the curtain that the blue donkeys aren’t in the same book, let alone the same page.
“Let’s just say I was disappointed with how it unfolded,” Biden divulged to the Post’s Kara Voght.
When pressed, the first lady responded: “I don’t know. I learned a lot about human nature.”
When pressed further, Biden said, “I think that’s all I’m going to say” … but it wasn’t.
After Voght cited Biden herself admitting to being “the keeper of the family grudges” in a 2019 memoir, the reporter noted that that admission “brings us to Nancy Pelosi, whom Jill has known nearly as long as Joe.”
(Jill has been with Joe for nearly 48 years.)
Voght continued: “[Pelosi,] Who had been a close friend to Joe as they ascended to the highest tier of American politics. Whom Jill couldn’t wait to invite to the White House once coronavirus restrictions allowed the Bidens to entertain. And who went on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ in July with a shiv. [A razor or knife used as a weapon]
“‘It’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run,’ Pelosi said, even though Biden had already decided that he was staying in the race.”
“Like I said,” Biden told Voght after recounting the Pelosi drama. “I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships.”
“It’s been on my mind a lot lately, and — ” Biden said. “We were friends for 50 years.”
(“She is using her teacher’s voice now” noted Voght.)
Biden added: “It was disappointing.”
Ah, yes, disappointment. It’s that sense of dread that Democrat voters often feel when they realize that the party of “unity,” “good vibes,” and “tolerance” is actually the party of backstabbing, conniving, and intolerance.
Look, there’s just no other way to put this: Joe Biden’s ascent to President of the United States in 2020 may have very well been the worst thing to happen to Democrats this century.
Not only did Joe’s incompetence tee up a second, more dominant Trump presidency, but it also did some irreparable damage to that sunny, idyllic image that Democrats love to sell people.
One of the most poorly kept secrets on Capitol Hill is that, no, Biden did not willingly give up his re-election bid. Rather, he was strong-armed out by Democrat marionettists like Pelosi and former President Barack Obama.
And Joe Biden harbors a lot of resentment for that.
But since he’s still beholden to the decorum of his position (at least for another five days or so) Biden has largely held his tongue.
The same cannot be said about the “the keeper of the family grudges,” his wife, and with each passing comment — intentional or not — it’s pretty clear how the Bidens feel about their fellow Democrats.
And frankly, that’s how most people should view the modern Democratic Party.
They are no longer the voice of the voiceless, the champions of the working class, or the stewards of the middle class. In fact, they’ve kind of become the very thing they purport to hate: They are the elitists. They are the multi-millionaires. They can’t be bothered to understand the plight of the everyman.
And they aren’t in charge of much anymore, as more and more Americans start to recognize the emperor’s new clothes.