Trump Seeing Massive Support From an Unlikely Group - This is HUGE!

Trump Seeing Massive Support From an Unlikely Group - This is HUGE!

Former President Donald Trump is gaining support from unexpected groups, including teenagers who usually lean Democratic. As reported by The Washington Post, Trump has become a cultural phenomenon, drawing traditional blue voting blocs towards him.

Khalid Ismail, who co-manages “I Love DC Gifts,” has noticed a surge of teenage customers arriving by tour buses, which he describes as “the storm.” “It’s literally like a hurricane,” the 30-year-old remarked. “They’ll just drop off 100 kids, 115 kids, 130 kids multiple times a day, every single day. … It’s a completely different level of busy.”

With around 15 minutes to shop before reboarding the buses, these teenagers are particularly interested in Trump merchandise. “This fits my personality,” one teen said while trying on a white bucket hat emblazoned with Donald Trump’s name.

Trump-related T-shirts and visors are popular, second only to cherry blossom-themed items, which are unique to select locations in the U.S. “We have no horse in the race, politically. Like, we don’t care, but man — people love him,” Ismail observed. “Anything Trump-themed, anything with his name on it … people are buying it.”

Luke Wilbur, who runs an online gift shop at, has noticed a similar trend. “Conservatives purchase more products by far,” he said, adding, “when Trump has rallies, they’re all wearing the hats. He’s a marketer … I mean, Trump was selling water.”

Young people are not the only demographic showing increased support for Trump. A Rasmussen Reports survey indicates that Trump holds a double-digit lead over Biden among likely Hispanic voters, with Black and Asian Americans also leaning more towards the Republican Party.

Overall, Trump is leading Biden 49-41 percent, consistent with last month’s survey of likely voters by Rasmussen, as reported by the Washington Examiner. The poll highlights that Latino support for Trump stands at 48%-37%, a significant shift from 2020 when Hispanics favored Biden 59%-38%, according to Pew Research.

In the 2020 election, Biden won Asian voters by a margin of 72%-28%, but Rasmussen now shows Trump leading 39%-36%. Additionally, Biden’s previous 92%-8% lead among Black voters has narrowed to 48%-39%.

Democrats are concerned about this shift, as they rely on a strong minority advantage to win elections. However, they anticipate these gaps may close in Biden’s favor as the election approaches, according to the Examiner.

Trump is also performing better among self-described Independents. “Trump benefits from both stronger partisan intensity and a double-digit advantage among independent voters,” Rasmussen noted. “In a head-to-head matchup with Biden, Trump gets 83% of Republican votes, compared to Biden’s 74% among Democrats.”

“Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads with 46% to Biden’s 35%. These gaps are not significantly affected by the inclusion of RFK Jr., [Jill] Stein or [Cornel] West on the ballot,” the report continued.

The survey indicated that Kennedy, Stein, and West have minimal impact on the overall outcome. “In a three-way match-up between Biden, Trump and RFK Jr., 44% would vote for Trump, 38% for Biden and 10% for Kennedy. In February, Kennedy had 12%. In a five-way match-up, 45% would vote for Trump, 38% for Biden, nine percent (9%) for Kennedy, two percent (2%) for West and one percent (1%) for Stein.”

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