Whoopi Goldberg Targets Trump's Granddaughter in Shock Attack After Heartfelt Speech at Convention

Where were we when we last checked in on Whoopi Goldberg?
From what I remember, the last time the prominent host of ABC's chat show "The View" made headlines was when she gave her opinion on the qualifications for presidential fitness after Joe Biden's lackluster debate performance. During her time off, she declared that as long as Biden was fit for the job, he was good to go.
Her criteria for fitness might differ from yours, though, since she mentioned she didn't mind if he had accidents or couldn't form coherent sentences.

Not in the Joe Biden sense of "literally," meaning "figuratively but in bold 20-point font," but truly literally.
Whoopi: "I don't care if [Biden] pooped his pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together. Show me he can't do the job, and then I'll say, okay, maybe it's time to go...I have poopy day all the time. All the time." pic.twitter.com/QlMHzH8LF9
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 8, 2024
So, verbal incoherence and lack of control: no issue. But Donald Trump’s granddaughter speaking to humanize the GOP nominee at the Republican National Convention? That’s a cause for alarm!
Kai Trump, the daughter of Donald Trump Jr. and his ex-wife, Vanessa Haydon, took the stage on the third night of the convention, delivering a speech that was a highlight of the evening.
“The media portrays my grandpa as someone different, but I know who he truly is. He’s very caring and loving. He genuinely wants the best for this country,” the 17-year-old Kai stated.
“He gives us candy and soda when our parents aren't watching,” she said. “He always asks about our school progress. When I made the high honor roll, he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was of me.”
She also touched on the attempted assassination of Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, where the former president was injured in the ear and one audience member was killed.
“A lot of people have put my grandpa through hell, and he’s still standing,” she said to applause from the delegates.
“Grandpa, you are such an inspiration, and I love you.”
As a father, I could not be more proud of my daughter Kai and the amazing job she did last night. She reached out to me on Monday morning and simply said she feels very strongly that she wants to talk about her grandfather at the RNC and she nailed it! pic.twitter.com/8QXiPO4jlu
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 18, 2024
So, incoherence and incontinence don't concern Whoopi, but this definitely struck a chord.
“Now, for me, I have a lot of faith in the American people,” Goldberg said on Thursday morning’s show.
“And I know his grandchild was up there, and they’re trying to humanize him and change your perception of who this man is,” she said.
“Don’t fall for that!” she exclaimed.
Yes, whatever you do, don’t humanize someone who’s been frequently depicted as inhuman and a threat to democracy. People might start seeing him as a danger to the country and might try to stop him by any means necessary, including what happened on Saturday.
Whoopi has clearly departed from reality.
The actual threat to the nation — a president who is physically and mentally unfit for the job on an organic, not perceived, level, and whose condition has been meticulously hidden from the American people by a team of aides and loyalists — is perfectly acceptable, even if he soils himself or speaks incoherently.
But humanizing a person who just survived an assassination attempt and is his party’s nominee for the presidency — and also lacks these issues?
Well, that’s simply unacceptable.