OJ Simpson’s Lawyer Reverses Course with Big Announcement

OJ Simpson’s Lawyer Reverses Course with Big Announcement

An attorney representing O.J. Simpson, the former football star and actor accused (but not convicted) of a double murder, reversed his stance on Monday after initially stating last week that he aimed to ensure the family of Ron Goldman received "nothing" from Simpson's estate.

Malcolm LaVergne, the attorney named the executor of Simpson's estate upon his passing from prostate cancer, admitted Monday that he overreacted in response to a statement made by Fred Goldman, the father of one of the individuals Simpson was accused of killing.

In reaction to Fred Goldman's comment to NBC News upon learning of Simpson's death, where he stated, "It's no great loss to the world," LaVergne initially expressed a desire to deny the Goldman family any of Simpson's assets.

Speaking to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, LaVergne stated, "It's my hope that the Goldmans get zero, nothing," and affirmed his intent to do everything within his capacity as the executor to ensure they received nothing.

However, in a later interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Monday, LaVergne stated that he had reconsidered his position and had spoken out of emotion initially. He assured that Fred Goldman's claim would be accepted and handled in accordance with Nevada law.

LaVergne acknowledged that Fred Goldman's comments had provoked him, but he later backtracked from his initial stance, acknowledging the harshness of his remarks and expressing a commitment to transparency with both the Goldman family and the family of Nicole Brown Smith.

Regarding the civil lawsuits brought against Simpson by the families of Brown and Goldman, LaVergne pledged to be forthcoming and transparent in dealing with their claims, vowing to "show his homework" to both families and work towards getting the estate in order.

While Simpson was acquitted of the criminal charges in the murder trial, a civil jury in 1998 found him responsible for the murders and ordered him to pay $33.5 million to the victims' families.

Simpson reportedly evaded paying the judgment in his later years by operating cash-only businesses, as reported by The New York Post's Page Six.

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