Trump Gets Record-Setting Boost That Could Be Key in November

Trump Gets Record-Setting Boost That Could Be Key in November

One of the prominent evangelical groups in America has announced a substantial $62 million initiative aimed at supporting the re-election efforts of former President Donald Trump.

According to Politico, Faith & Freedom intends to allocate the funds towards various activities such as voter registration and turnout, voter support, and door-to-door canvassing.

Exceeding its expenditure from the 2020 election by $10 million, the organization plans to distribute 30 million pieces of literature across 125,000 churches, with a particular emphasis on battleground states.

Ralph Reed, who heads the organization, remarked, “In terms of home visits and voters reached at the door, to my knowledge, it’s the largest effort on the right outside of the Republican National Committee ever.”

Reed highlighted the detrimental impact of being outspent in political campaigns, stating, “In this business you’re paid to worry, and we certainly have seen in recent cycles — particularly in the statewide races and especially the Senate races — we’ve seen the spending gap become overwhelming, serious and debilitating.”

The initiative aims to deploy around 10,000 individuals, focusing on mobilizing 1 million newly registered evangelical voters and rallying another 7.8 million evangelicals categorized as low-propensity voters.

Referring to Trump's stance on pro-life issues during his presidency, Reed noted, “Trump was so pro-life that it was astonishing. And as a result of that, he’s going to get more running room from the pro-life grassroots than a typical candidate might get or that he would have gotten in ’16. In ’16 I think there was a lack of trust, and now there is total trust,” according to Politico.

In a recent speech at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, Trump warned of a perceived threat from a "radical left, corrupt political class" that opposes Christianity, as reported by The New York Times.

Trump emphasized the importance of Christian engagement in the political arena, asserting, “Christians, they can’t afford to sit on the sidelines in this fight,” and alleging that liberals oppose Christianity because “they know that our allegiance is not to them. Our allegiance is to our country, and our allegiance is to our Creator.”

According to Scripps News Service, Trump also vowed to protect Christian symbols, stating, “No one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration. I swear to you.”

Supporters of Trump believe he holds the potential to effect significant transformation in the nation, as reported by Scripps.

Vicky Fukes from Delaware expressed unwavering support, stating, “We’re 100 percent behind Donald Trump and want to see America great again. One nation under God. That’s the way it’s got to remain.”

Christian Baldwin from Maryland viewed the issue beyond mere politics, describing it as a "spiritual sickness" plaguing the country.

“It’s not just political. It’s a spiritual sickness that’s really taken root in this country,” he said, suggesting President Joe Biden's election in 2020 was a divine warning.

“Perhaps, what we’re experiencing is just a way for God to remind us what our true purpose is,” Baldwin remarked.

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